

Welcome back!
We had cloudy Wednesday today!
Free Play
Children played with toy trains today.


Clean up Time! 
Clean up, Clean up, Clean up time, Pick it up! What a happy day!

Morning Circle
This week we are learning about Veggies.Yummy!

I'd like to eat, eat, eat Carrots and Potatoes! I'd like to eat, eat, eat Carrots and Potatoes!

    Here I am!

Sunday la-la-la, Monday la-la-la, Tueday la-la-la, Wednesday, Thursday la-la-la, Friday la-la-la
Saturday, Sunday comes again!

Park Time
We went to Tamagawa today. 
We've found a lovely field full of flowers. Some children did pick few flowers but only for a good purpose> I want to give it to my mommy....
We teach our children not to pick leaves and flowers aimlessly then toss them aside, but garther them only for a good purpose.

Today's Menu

That's all! Thank you and we will see you on Thursday!