What a lovely Wednesday we had today! The ever happy kids settled down for our morning soon as everyone arrived. They attentively listened to the storytelling of their teacher. She also introduced the vocabulary about the Halloween; ghost, witch, monter, trick-or-treat and many others. Then came their soccer coach and they enjoyably trained on playing soccer. The Lion Team had their English classes, too. We talked about ordering food in the restaurant and they even practiced reading on their textbooks. After that, they had practiced answering the Eiken English Test. In the afternoon, they had gymnastics class and everyone seemed so happy doing their exercises. Thank yopu for always viewing our blog!
The kids were all bouncy and happy in their Gymnastics class.
They trained on playing soccer and everyone was full of energy.
The Lion Team kids were all focused on studying English and in reviewing for their Eiken English Test. They practiced reading and answering questions.