We really had so much fun!
We are learning letters A and B in April. Many people first learned the alphabet through the “alphabet song”—and although it may seem
“childish” to introduce the alphabet this way, there is a good reason for doing so. Offering a
device to memorize the alphabet and get a sense of it as a whole is really important.
Also we are introducing theme> Colors and Shapes to our children. In Circle Time activities we sorted shapes by colors. Children have enjoyed various games this month.
We've read story about The Very Hungry Catterpilar in April. We just love that story.
One Little Finger (fingerplay)
Relax! (笑)
Park Time
"stone diggers"
Let's dig the biggest one!
And the Winner is...***chan! Yeah! You got it!
That's all for today! Have a nice evening and See you tomorrow!