One of the topics for Ferbruary is "Clothes",
so we've learnt a new vocabulary today>shirt, socks, cap, shoes and pants.
We sang songs> /ABC, 1 little finger, The Very Hungry Caterpillar/ and then we read story about The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We all love that story!
お散歩お仕度、靴下履けたかな |
手を繋いで歩いていきました。 |
After Tea Time there was time to go outdoors and explore the beauty of the World around us. It was sunny day today, but when temperatures are just a little above freezing you may be able to see snowflakes falling from the sky just like us today. Spring is definitelly on it's way, but outside is still freezing. Some flowers are blossoming these days such as tulips.
We took a walk and search for blossoming flowers in our neigborhood. After that we played ball games at the park. It was really fun. We passed the ball. We kicked the ball. We threw the ball. We were improving children's hand-eye coordination. *Hand-Eye Coordination is the ability of the eyes to guide the hands in movements. I think we did a great job!!!
滑り出しをしたり、階段でお店屋さんごっこ「はい どうぞ」 笑顔が増えました。(^◇^)